Brocade fish monster hunter
Brocade fish monster hunter

It is a living, vampire-like creature who needs the sustenance of meat and blood, both human and that of small animals. The Rake must nourish itself like Nosferatu. The propagation of this species is entirely dependent on a living human being. Once fully developed it releases itself from the host as the Rake. The protozoaire is nourished and fed by the host. It is not a worm parasite but a living pupa that evolves into a fully developed humanoid "Rake." The gestation period is probably both lengthy and horrific. The Rake then releases its grip on the host with the protozoaire nesting inside. By exchanging fluids, the elongated cylindrical protozoaire moves into the host as the creature grasps around the mouth cavity to ensure its smooth rapid movement into the esophageal tract downward. However, a recent YouTube video clip clearly exhibits and shows the creature reproducing by opening the host's mouth and releasing protozaires ingested by french-kissing. It has never been clearly depicted to be either mammalian or reptilian. The creature is similar to that imagined and visualized in scenes from films such as Alien. A YouTube channel showing images and footage captured of the rake was closed down, but if you search "the Rake caught on tape", you will find a half-hour video showing you these episodes. It is theorized that the Rake could possibly be a proxy of Slender Man, subject to its own self-mutilation and psychological disorders. It is based on ancient folklore referencing an unnaturally tall and skinny man mysteriously lurking in the woods. The Rake has also been tied to alternate figures, such as the Slender Man, an internet meme and subject of several video games. Several theories as to its development Rake point towards internet threads and online discussions however, others believe alcoholic delusions fueled the idea of the creature before then. The creature reportedly attacks humans for unknown reasons and often causes its victims great psychological trauma. The Rake is a creature believed to be a humanoid in appearance, with several references in folklore and horrific urban legends, originally appearing on the internet as a Creepypasta. Its Can run fast on four legs making it easy to catch Other Prey.

Brocade fish monster hunter